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What is SANTA?

SANTA is a meme coin designed for the kids. SANTA has a 1/1 tax. The tax wallet is St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital ETH Wallet.

Buy/Sell SANTA

Anon Donate to St. Jude's

Good Anon


This is how it will work...

Phase 1 - Launch

Launch SANTA and pay DexTools to update our info. Giving us a little visibility to the degenerates that want to get in on Saving Kids Lives.

Phase 2 - Meme it Up

Meme, meme, meme. Endless memes. When you think it is enough memes... Make more memes.

Phase 3 - Donations Tracker

Live Tracker of how much crypto has donated to St. Jude's.

Phase 4 - Be HAPPY

Let's make Christmas a LITTLE bit BETTER for those that haven't had it as good as us.


Links to all of the important stuff.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some answers to questions that people might ask.

How does SANTA work?

1/1 tax (so basically NO TAX AT ALL). The reciever tax address is St. Jude's ETH wallet - 0xd0fcC6215D88ff02a75C377aC19af2BB6ff225a2.

Is the Contract Renounced?

Yes and the LP is locked for 2 Christmases

What will the tax be used for?

Hopefully saving some kids lives.

Are there any plans post Santa?

No we just want to raise money for kids.

What is the total supply?


How many did they team get?

ZERO SANTA, The team gets NONE.

Will you ever burn tokens?

No, you greedy monster.

What if I Sell, Can I Buy Back In?

Of course, everyone makes mistakes.

What is the X account?


What is the Telegram?


What is the Discord?


Join our Community

Community makes token go up. Join ours and literally save kids lives.